My annual roundup of Super Bowl commercials is over at Smile Politely: More Super Bowl Life Lessons.
I think this particular column idea is getting a little stale. Maybe it's that the commercials were pretty lame this year, and the lessons are mostly the same every year.
But even though I was rooting for the Colts, I'm happy for the Saints and New Orleans. They deserve something good coming their way. It would be better if more housing and hurricane protection were sent their way, but a Super Bowl win is nice too.
Update: Friend and commenter Samuel has a hilarious take on one of the Super Bowl ads -- the Budweiser one where people build a human bridge to get their beer. There is much fodder in taking a commercial's universe at face value.
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
More Super Bowl Lessons
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Dan S
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I think it's time to fire Coach Caldwell of the Colts. The parallels of the Hoosiers (IU) Mike Davis and Caldwell are perfect: Mike Davis, like Caldwell, was an assistant coach to his former head coach. Both took their respective former head coaches team to the championship of their sport. Both lost in the final game. Mike Davis was never respected and treated like he should be lynched, he was also black like Caldwell. Hoosier fans of both the Colts and Indiana make me so ashamed to be a Hoosier. The "what have you done for me lately mentality" is very shallow and unfair, especially to the my favorite coach in NCAA basketball; Mike Davis. By the way, UAB, where Mike Davis is currently head coach is: 19-4 to date. They have also beat two top 25 ranked opponants. What is Indiana's record right now? The defense rests your honor
Mike Davis was the 'Obama' of Indiana University. Just saying~
And yes, those commercials were lame during the Super(hyped)bowl. The best part of the game was the pick and score around the 4:00 minute left to go mark in the 4th quarter ;-)
Fire Coach Caldwell!!
I had forgotten you are an Pats fan, Fingtree.
I'll just quote some Bible versions out of context to let you know how I feel about that:
Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God
Satan hasn't a single salaried helper; the Opposition employ a million.
- Mark Twain
Bill Belichick may be the only salaried helper of Satan, but I have never seen with in the balderdash bible, any reference that cheating is a sin.
I can tell fingtree is itching for someone to say something so...
Mike Davis is an above average coach. His record's been pretty good at UAB, but do they play the level of competition IU does? His record was only so-so at IU. I agree that he probably got fired without him getting a real chance to show what he had, but hey, that's life at a big-name college that's been first tier for so long. Produce or your gone. Look at Weiss at Notre Dame. So-so record. Bye bye. Does it suck that this is what college sports has become? I say yes. But I don't think it's racism. It might be, but I don't think so. The same ones who fired the white Knight are the same ones who fired Davis.
Mike Davis' record at Indiana overall was: 115-79. His Big Ten conference record was: 55-41. He also owned Gene Keady and Purdue, IU's arch/hated rival. Davis' overall career record is: 193-121.Tom Crean, the current coach at IU has a career record of 205-134 currently. Crean's current Big Ten record is: 15-38. With that, IU fans should be calling for his head, but they are not, yet. As for Conference USA's strength of schedule, Memphis is in their conference and their 4-5 top teams this year are competetive with most teams in the Big Ten. UAB has beaten both Butler and Cincinnati, both were ranked, Butler still remains in the top 20. IU has not beaten a top 25 team. As for college sports as a whole, the reason the old power houses are struggleling is because the comptetition has been spread across all conferences, so the age old strength of conference is overrated and a thing of the past, the very thing that both IU fans of Bobby Knight and Notre Dame notoriety still cling too.
Based on your stats, Davis' winning percentage was 59% at IU. Above average as I said, but not great. As for calling for Crean's head, we have to consider that this is his second season and he started with absolutely nothing. This year his team is still mostly freshmen and sophomores. Davis inherited an experienced team and a program that was not in turmoil, as they were when Sampson left IU. If Crean gets to his fourth or fifth year (How long was Davis at IU?) and there's no improvement, I'm sure the head hunters will be out in force then too.
Davis started with nothing at UAB and has done much to turn it around very quickly. At IU he lost Jared Jefferies and Kurt Hastings to the NBA early. He also was a victim to the injury bug, D.J. White had broken his foot both years and could not play. Crean would not have had to start with such a deficit had the University kept Davis there and the fan base not been such cry babies. They foolishly hired Sampson and created the debacle that exists today. Mike Davis brought respectability to the program that had been missing for many years. He didn't choke players, throw chairs and put people in trash cans. He also would insert praises to God, which most good Christian, white Hoosier Republicans hold so dear.
But most of all, he took the Hoosiers to a championship and showed class and an ability to lead a division one basketball team to that level. I feel he was never respected for it and never given enough credit for transcending the program to the respectable path to recovery from the slow deterioration and outdated coaching style of Bob Knight. The fan base of the Hoosiers are to blame, he is and has always been a class above them, he always said the right thing and took the high road. Colt fans as a whole, emulate the same behavior. Some Colt fans demanded their money back when the starters did not play the whole game against the Jets when they were undefeated, ridiculous. There were only eleven people at the airport when they returned from losing the Superbowl to cheer them on, hilarious.
One last item to this thread; Tom Crean will never lead IU to the NCAA finals. If he should, I will be at the airport when they touch down, win or lose.
Indiana trees,
Hangin us instead of leaves.
Tom Crean is a clown. Mike Davis will win more than his sorry arse at UAB with less exposure. Crean will never, never, beat Izzo. To busy licking his boot!
IU gets what it deserves, racist bastards woth no patience!
Bobby blew a lot of gamesz too.
Remember Cleveland State!
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