My Smile Politely column this week is on the Liberty Council's Adopt-a-Liberal program, where I admit my preference for being prayer at than being yelled over. Available here.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
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Observations at the Intersection of Church & State & Culture
My Smile Politely column this week is on the Liberty Council's Adopt-a-Liberal program, where I admit my preference for being prayer at than being yelled over. Available here.
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Dan S
C.S. Lewis said that prayer doesn't change God's mind about what's going to happen, rather it changes the one who prays; giving them solace, comfort, understanding, etc.
Quite a guy, that Fangorn.
Very Nice Post Dan! I have found that shooting at the sky is much more effective than prayer.
6But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; 8he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.
9But unto the sons of Republicans he gave guns: because of the service of the sanctuary belonging unto them was that they should bear upon their shoulders...weapons~
10and for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two shoulder fired rockets, five pistols, seven precision-guided (by Jesus) munitions and a promise to always shoot prayers to the sky so that God may answereth by fire with fire with stability for all. Behold the ark of the covenant, the shot of the keeper, the Lord of all the earth shall rest in the bullets of Jordan.
You really need to work out your issues in a more productive way.
Ever consider; "Adopting-A-Liberal" Robot Sievers? I could learn to work through the issues in your hyper-efficient conservative ways. You could also protect me from the "Rapture".
It's not the rapture that you need protection from. It is what happens afterward. Besides which, it isn't 100% conclusive exactly when the rapture occurs relative to the tribulation.
In any event, God does answer prayer.
Bring forth the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch!
How does it work?
I know not, my lord.
Consult the Book of Armaments!
God answers prayers in the principles of retriputed justice:
Eye for an eye, shot for shot, bayonet for aim high and aim for the sky Robot....bang bang shoot shoot
So what does happen after the Rapture Bob? I thought you had to be dead to know that? You know more when your dead.
Those who hold to a pre-tribulation rapture believe the rapture happens first, then the events of Revelation 4-19 happen next.
There are those, of which I am not one, who believe the rapture happens nearly simultaneious with the second coming, which as you say, would then be too late for those who do not wish to be close to God.
Another theory is that the rapture happens somewhere around Rev 11, making the events of Rev 4:1-11 pre-rapture, and Rev 13-19 after.
Only God knows the exact order of events.
Yeah, but what about the apocryphal and gnostic gospels? They say a lot of things too, yet since the didn't "pass the muster" at the Council of Nycia (made up of flawed, sinful men, I must add) most Christians refuse to believe anything written in them. And yet these same Christians believe that those writings that did "pass muster" are the actual, literal Word of God. Like the mad ravings in Revelation. How can this be? I used to believe that stuff too, until I got myself edumacated. Now I see that men make up religion, not God. Not that God doesn't exist, I just don't think he has much to do with religion. Heck, even Yoshua of Nazareth railed against religion and religous leaders. Calling them snakes and wolves and vipers. I think if he were here in the flesh today, he'd be railing against them still.
The book of Limbaugh doesn't say anything about the rapture. I believe the book of Beck mentions it. Charlie Manson and David Karesh also mentioned it in their teachings. There is one common denominator with these prophets and the bible....people will be belive anything.
The Delicious Cipher got it right and you still know more when your dead.
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